Piano and Voice

Class Topics
“Opening the ears”
Is designed to assist students explore instrumental music through tone, harmony, and rhythm.
“Hear with your eyes and see with your ears”
Students will be introduced to listening comprehension and basic reading.
"How to test your ears"
Students will be able to internalize music and identify chords and progressions with ease and confidence.

At SMSA, our piano classes are for beginners, intermediate and advance.
Our instructor uses a hands on approach with a method of teaching that children as young as 4 years old can comprehend. When taking piano lessons at an early age, a child develops skills and habits that carries over into every aspect of their life as he/she matures.

Our vocal classes are geared towards teaching an individual to sing or simply developing those who can sing, but needs some coaching or some help getting to the next level.
Classes are held in proper breathing techniques, articulation of words and phrases while singing, presentation and vocal exercises and warm ups. The development of ear training is also stressed throughout each session as well.

Piano Video Sample
A video will be uploaded soon!

Voice Video Sample
A video Will be uploaded soon!